Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Us on International Fishing essays

Us on International Fishing essays US action on International Fishing Disputes While the United Nations has passed several resolutions and treaties regarding fisheries, the United States has typically refused to ratify such measurers. UNCLOS III, the most comprehensive attempt at a unified body of maritime law, has yet to be given the consent of the Senate. The sticking provisions of this treaty primarily deal with provisions for deep-sea mineral rights. Many US companies have already begun exploration in deep-sea minerals and the UN convention calls for deep-sea minerals to be the common heritage of mankind. This, along with provisions for the required transfer of marine technology, have prompted Senator Helms (Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee) to oppose this treaty and effectively kill it. While the US may reject certain provisions of UNCLOS III, they did rush to utilize the provisions of the 200 mile EEZ before the treaty was officially adopted. In 1976 Congress adopted a bill known as the Magnuson Act. This piece of legislation made full use of the concept of exclusive economic zones extending 200 miles to sea. The intent of the law was to bring fisheries within that area back into the exclusive domain of US fishermen. This piece of legislation has been the hinge-pin in most US fisheries regulations since 76, and was most recently renewed in 1996. If the United States is often the driving force behind the proposal of many treaties such as UNCLOS III, why does the US fail to ratify them? In short, there is not a single area to lay blame. Procedural rules, American ideology, and the relatively increasing autonomy of US legislators all contribute to making passage of comprehensive treaties extremely difficult. There is a significant procedural and political disconnect between the executive branch which negotiates treaties, and the Senate which ratifies them. The executive branch, here primar ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Social Media ROI How to Prove It With Google Analytics

Social Media ROI How to Prove It With Google Analytics Social media is an essential part of any marketing mix. But, what happens when your boss or client asks you to prove organic ROI for your campaigns? â€Å"I don’t know is not a good enough answer. In fact, â€Å"I don’t know† should not be in the vocabulary of your social media team. Fortunately, you can prove your ROI with some hard work and the right tools. And by the right tools, I mean Google Analytics and . The following blog post is going to walk you through how to: Set up tracking UTM tags on your social media messages. Create a custom report in Google Analytics. Set goals in Google Analytics to track your ROI. This may seem like a daunting task, but once your team falls into a rhythm and starts seeing results, you’ll never look at social media the same way again. How To Prove Your Organic Social Media ROI With Google AnalyticsFirst Things First: Get Your Social Media ROI Report Template Before you continue reading, download our social media channel ROI report template. Itll help you track everything you need to prove to your organization that social media marketing is paying off (and show that youre earning your paycheck). Did You Know†¦ can save you time with our Google Analytics  and bit.ly  integrations by doing all the hard work for you. automatically creates trackable URLs that integrate with your Google Analytics custom reports.Start a trial or schedule a demo today and try it yourself. Why Is Tracking Organic Social Media ROI Important? Your bottom line is the heart and soul of your business. It’s what keeps the doors open and the lights on. Tracking your ROI helps prove to your organization and your clients that investing their dollars in social media campaigns is contributing to that bottom line. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that your efforts are worth both your time and your company’s time. Because if your team is investing their precious time in something you can’t prove is working, that’s just a waste of resources. And nobody wants that. If you can't prove your social media marketing is working, then you're just wasting resources.Step 1: Goal Setting In Google Analytics Setting up goals is going to be your first step in using Google Analytics to track your organic ROI. Goals are a way to have Google Analytics record conversions that are being generated from social media. What are conversions? Conversions are an event that is triggered by a customer, audience member or fan following through with an action that you wanted them to take. Conversions can be anything from: Buying a product Signing up for an email list Subscribing to your podcast Downloading an e-book you wrote This list could go on. Setting up goals in Google Analytics allow you easily track those conversions and prove to your team that the messages that you are sending out on your social media channels are driving your customers to take action. To start open your Google Analytics account and scroll down to Admin: Scroll across to Views: Select Goals and then click on Create New Goal: In the new window, name your goal. Be specific and try to remember as you’ll need to search for this name later: Next, you’re going to select your goal type. There are three different goal types in Google Analytics: Custom Template Smart For this example, we’re going to focus on custom goals (destination, duration, pages/screens per session and events): Click Continue and another drop down menu will appear. In this section, you’re going to put in the URL of the landing page that you want your customers to end up on. For example, say that after purchasing a product a thank you landing page appears. If that landing page surfaces it means someone bought something from you. Therefore a conversion that you need Google Analytics to track has happened: Under Value, toggle the button to On and enter the monetary value that your company will earn if that conversion happens: Click Save and your destination goal will be tracked. Step 2: Create Your Custom Report The next step in your social media ROI tracking process involves creating a custom report in Google Analytics that will allow you to easily find and track data coming in from the goals you set up earlier. To start, go back to your home screen and select Customization: Select Custom Reports: Select New Custom Report: Your new report template will appear, and the first thing you need to do is title it: The next step is to add your metrics. First, click +add metric. Then select Goal Conversions: Then find your goal and select the one that says [title of your goal] completions. You need to make sure that it says completions as you’ll want to know how many people went all the way through and converted: The second metric you need to add is the value. Adding only one will give you only half of the metrics you need to see. And the value you’re getting from each conversion is the important part! To add it into your report, select Goal Conversions, then [goal title] value: Now you need to add your dimension drilldowns. First click + Add Dimension, the search for Source: From source, add your second dimension which should be Medium: Your final dimension should be Campaign: Your report should populate and show you all the conversions and the value that you made through people ending on your intended link: Step 3: Set Up Your Custom URL Tags The final step in your process is setting up your URL tags for each of your social media messages. These URL links allow Google Analytics to track where your audience is coming from once they have completed the assigned conversion. To get started,  open this campaign URL  builder from Google Analytics: The second thing you need to do is enter the URL your Google goal is tracking: Next, you need to fill in your campaign Source. This is a vital part of your URL because if you scroll back up to the custom report section, source is part of your drilldown dimensions: Campaign Medium  is the next part of your URL building process and is going to refer to the social channel that your audience is coming from: Campaign Name refers to the keywords that you want this link to rank for in Google Analytics: Campaign Term is used for paid search, and since we’re focusing on organic content, it won’t need to be filled in for this example. Campaign Content is used for A/B testing targeted ads which are also outside our focus for this post. After you have all of that information filled in Google will generate a URL at the bottom of the page. That URL seems long right? That’s where URL shortener like bit.ly come in handy. To use bit.ly  you need to create an account. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see their main page: Paste your link into the bar and copy the shortened URL link: The shortened URL can now be added to your social media messages and tracked by Google Analytics. Recommended Reading: 3 Hidden Google Analytics Reports to Help You Understand Your Audience Step 4: Record Your Results The last step in your ROI tracking process is going to be looking at your report and recording your results after your social media campaign has ended. The first thing you need to do is adjust the time and date on your custom report to reflect the length of your campaign. This can be found in the upper right-hand corner. As you page through your results, look for things like: Total conversions generated Total ROI generated Breakdown of ROI generated per channel Breakdown of conversions generated per channel Use that data to help you adjust your efforts in your next campaign. Recommended Reading: How to Build a Marketing Report Quickly (Free Template) Remember The Report You Downloaded Earlier? Let’s run through that quick. Your social media channel ROI report will allow you to pull the information that you’ve grabbed from Google Analytics and create a robust breakdown of what’s happening on each of your social media channels. In the report you’re going to see a tab for each social channel: Record the name of your campaign in the first column of your report and the dates your campaign ran in the second: The next three columns are going to play a major role in your report. Did you notice the graphs on the left side of your report. These are recording and collecting data based on your messages sent, conversions and ROI. The first graph is gathering data from your total at the bottom of your spreadsheet: As you continue to add numbers for each on of your campaigns, they will adjust and automatically update your graphs. The second graph is a per channel breakdown of each of your campaigns. To edit this chart and add more information your need to click on the graph and then select Chart Design and Select Data: A pop-up window will appear. You need to change the data range by adding the next column of information that you just plugged into the spreadsheet. You can do this by highlighting the new range of data you would like to include: Then you need to rename each campaign that you added to your graph: You will also need to update the Horizontal Axis  labels in the bottom of the pop-up window: Now For A Short Cut Building all those URLs kind of sounds like a time suck right? Granted, it’s a time suck that’s worth it, but what if I told you that has built-in integrations that work with both Google Analytics  and Bit.ly so that all you need to do is set up your goals and custom report in Google? To start you need to turn on both the bit.ly and the Google Analytics integrations. To do this go to Settings and then Integrations: Now that the integrations are turned on Google Analytics will begin to gather data from every social media message you send. To find that data collection, open your analytics account select Acquisition then Campaigns. In campaigns click on to see a full breakdown of your post analytics. It’s that easy. Schedule a demo  and see how can get you moving farther, faster.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Visiting a kindergarten Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Visiting a kindergarten - Essay Example Like a real Snow White but with yellow hair not black. Most of the people that I know are different shades of brown but Sarah was from the mainland where all the really white people come from. Sarah had the whitest skin I ever saw and polka dots on her nose and cheeks. She couldn’t play rough on the playground because her white skin was very soft. I know because one time, when she accidentally fell down, she got these really big purple spots on her legs that she said were bruises, but they weren’t like any bruises I ever saw before they were so dark, and she said it happened all the time. When I looked at her and how the sun glowed through her yellow hair, though, it didn’t make any sense to me that Snow White could have black hair because Sara made a much better Snow White. Yes, she definitely did. If I visited too much in class, Sister Mary Joseph would call me up to her desk and have me hold out my left hand. I knew what was about to happen so I would always l ook at Sarah. That way, I wouldn’t cry. All the other girls would look sad and down at their hands, thanking god the father that it wasn’t them, but not Sarah. Sarah always looked right at me, and then she would smile like Snow White – sweet, soft, and comforting. She always seemed to know just how I felt. When it was pau, I would go back to my seat and she would stroke the top of my hand until the pain in my palm went away. That’s how the magic started. One day, after I got smacked.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Great Crew Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Great Crew Change - Research Paper Example This crisis which resulted into a significant gap in the workforce by both ages and experience was referred to as the great crew change. The great crew change has created major dilemmas to the oil industry as the baby boomers are currently approaching their retirement age leaving insufficient and less experienced workers to continue with the projects. This presents a possibility of losing the tribal knowledge in the sector, irrespective of how hard and vigorous the recruitment drive is done. This paper will therefore discuss the impacts of the great crew change, its scope of effect and the overall steps that have been made to mitigate the situation (Clark, Davidson, Guilford & Parry, 2006). The expected mass exodus of experienced petroleum engineers is expected to have impacts on various countries including but not excluded to the United States. The depression that affected the oil industry in the 80s and 90s affected major developed economies and this has been attributed to the experience gap that is currently witnessed in the industry. Companies operating in the oil and gas industries in different countries of the world are facing the great crew change according to a workforce forum conducted in cape town in 2008. Despite the fact that the United States statistics on workforce gap being available, the effects have been felt in other countries with some countries suffering from the knowledge gap most (Irgens, 2008). According to the Brazilian NOC petrobras, the 90s was occasioned by minimal recruitment of geoscientists and petroleum engineers. This resulted into a situation where the scientists in the company either have 10 years less experience or even more that 20 in some instances. The Indian economy and oil industry has also been affected by this phenomenon according to the Indian national oil company which believes that the perceptions that were created in the 80s and 90s pushed away potential engineers (Clark,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Syrian conflict through the theories of constructivism and realism Essay Example for Free

The Syrian conflict through the theories of constructivism and realism Essay This essay aims to delineate and elucidate the Syrian conflict through the theories of constructivism and realism. Particular attention will be paid to the origin of the Syrian Civil War, along with the major actors involved in this regional, and now international, conflict. â€Å"The people want to topple the regime!† was the anti-government graffiti on the wall of a local school in Daraa city painted by a group of Syrian children on March 2011. Those children were arrested and tortured by the local security authorities (Diehl, 2012: 7). This act eventually led to an anti-governmental uprising due to the outrageous reaction of the community over children’s mistreatment after incarceration by the local security authorities. The uprising demanded the release of children, justice, freedom as well as equality for all people. At the core, these peaceful demonstrations were considered to be against the sectarian and family dictatorship because the political power was mainly held by the Alawite elite (Diehl, 2012). In response to these demonstrations, the Syrian government planned to enforce security forces for the protestors to suppress them. The deadly aggression used by the government to oppose dissent led to protests across the country calling for the president to resign. Violence soon escalated as the government battled hundreds of rebel brigades. This rebellion further turned into a full-fledged civil war between the Free Syrian army and the Syrian regime (Thompson, 2016). The main allegation that the Syrian r egime associated with the protestors was that they were Islamic Al- Qaeda’s extremist terrorist gangs who were supported and funded by the various countries such as Turkey, Qatar, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as the United States of America which they try to seek peace with Israel (Sommier, 2014). Similarly, the same Syrian regime who was supported by Russia, China and Iran, was present in the front fire line with Israel (Fisher, 2012). Since then, the regional and international intervention has proven to be a key factor in the power struggle as the government and opposition have received financial, political and military support. This has directly intensified the fighting and allowed it to continue; Syria is effectively being used as a proxy battlefield (Wimmen and Asseburg, 2012). The death toll as recorded and presented by the Syrian center for policy research approximately totaled at 470,000 as a result of ongoing conflict until February 2016. Due to the intensification and spread of fighting, a dire humanitarian crisis was evident since 4.8 million people tried to take refuge abroad and 6.1 million people were internally displaced as per the records of UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. It has also been reported by the Syrian Network for Human Rights that since 2011, more than 117,000 people have been either disappeared or detained by the governmental forces. In the detention, ill-treatment and torture are two rampant things that have also resulted in the death of thousands of people in detention. In addition to all the crisis events going on, ISIS (Islamic State) made more complications by the widespread and systematic violations. This was achieved by ISIS through targeting civilians with artillery, kidnappings, executions, using child ren as soldiers, and torture (Human Rights Watch, 2016).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dinosaur Essay -- essays papers

Dinosaur Dinosaurs: Extinct or Natural Causes As geologic time goes, all the dinosaurs living on earth suddenly disappeared. How did these dominated and gigantic creatures really die? Was it a slow extinction through natural causes, or did it happen suddenly? These questions give rise to many different beliefs on how the dinosaurs disappeared over sixty-five million years ago. Something happened sixty-five million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period that was so devastating that it altered the course of life on earth. Extinction is easily defined: the birth rate fails to keep up with the death rate. However, the definition does not answer the question about the nature or causes of extinction. Since so many different causes of death of the dinosaur arose, paleontologists generally divide extinction into two main types. The first is called background extinction, or the isolated extinction of a species due to a variety of cause. Included in these background extinctions is out competition (the fight of the food), depletion of resources in a habitat, changes in climate, development or destruction of a mountain range, river channel migration, eruption of a volcano, the drying of a lake, or the destruction of a forest, grassland, or wetland habitat. The second type of extinction is called mass extinction. There are four main components: Large numbers species go extinct; many types of species go extinct; the effects are global; and the effects occur in a geologically short period of time (Encarta). The dinosaur could not have lived forever. No creature, plant, and bacteria are forever, not even Homo Sapiens. Extinction is the ultimate fate of all species. One theory on how the dinosaurs became extinc... ... environmental crisis may have spelled disaster for the dinosaurs. It had to be so sweeping that it affected countless other forms, including the dinosaurs. It is how these successful creatures were eliminated from the planet is a fascinating mystery. however, scientist cannot determine how dinosaurs really became extinct. Perhaps something fell the sky and struck the planet causing a huge dust cloud, utterly shutting out the sun and forcing the dinosaurs into extinction. But why did the little mammals survive, or the crocodiles and birds? Current evidence suggests that the sun or a â€Å"greenhouse effect† terminated the dinosaurs sixty-five million years ago (Colbert). Bibliography: Colbert, Edwin Harris, 1905- Dinosaurs; Their Discovery and Their World. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co.,INC., 1961, 1st ed. Encarta Encyclopedia Article, "Dinosaur", 2001

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hcs 235 Week Health Care Utilization Paper

Health Care Utilization Paper HCS/235: Health Care Delivery in the U. S. Health Care Reform The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) was designed to decrease health care costs and require health care access to all U. S. citizens. The Act has the potential for reducing the cost of health care in the United States; however, with many risks which could possibly strain the health care system, increase debt, and decrease the quality of care many are concerned. Access to Care The PPACA was enacted in 2010; however, the Act was not completely implemented right away.The health care reform has been dispersing provisions as the years progressed. Provisions such as simply investing in new resources to fight against fraud, waste, and abuse in government sponsored programs such as Medicare and Medicaid will strengthen the quality of the programs and also protect taxpayer’s money. Under the Affordable Care Act—young adults are allowed to continue in their parent s’ health insurance plans until they reach twenty –six years of age, unless the young adult has health care insurance under their own employer.In the past, medical health insurance companies have denied payments for patients who got sick. Incidents where breast cancer patients were found to have lost medical coverage from their insurance companies after diagnosed with the major disease. The Act makes this action illegal for insurance companies to rescind medical benefits. The purpose of the PPACA is to provide health care services to all Americans, whether through government programs or employer–offered health insurance plans. The Act provides small businesses and some large businesses with tax credits for providing health care benefits to their employees.Huge investments are placed into prevention. Preventing diseases and illnesses with free preventative care to individuals will impact the costs of emergency room claims from individuals who wait until their dis eases or sickness is unbearable. Emergency room claims are far more expensive than preventative care. Keeping previously uninsured individuals healthy before they join Medicare reduces the cost burdens of taxpayer dollars for uninsured patients receiving care at hospitals which go unpaid and drive the cost of health care. UtilizationUtilization management has taken a key role in the health reform act because it evaluates the need, appropriateness, and the efficiency of the health care services which will be used by the covered individual. Health insurance plans are pressured to find ways to reduce plan costs and improve the quality of care provided to their members. Utilization management efforts have reduced inappropriate services and high medical costs just by taking some time to review pre-authorizations instead of providing clinically inappropriate, out-of-network services which prevents the accurate care for patient and increases cost for plans.Today’s decision-making an d support of utilizations for members are performed in real-time. Real-time utilization achieves the decrease of unnecessary expenses and improves member’s health. Use of unnecessary services increases the cost for plans and limits them on the amount of services they can provide to members who are in dire need of them. Universal Health Care Achieving the goal of providing health care benefits for all U. S. citizens is a goal that is not new in our health care system and still lingers to be resolved by government officials.The health reform act’s provisions are stated to achieve these goals. The Medicaid expansion could possibly insure 21. 3 million Americans; however, States are given the opportunity to opt-out of the health reform Medicaid expansion. States will not be penalized for not expanding coverage to low-income individuals or families. The Medicaid expansion will provide services to low-income adults with or without dependent children, low-income children who turn nineteen years of age and classified as adults, and low-income adults with disabilities who do not qualify for Social Security Benefits.Previous States who have expended Medicaid benefits to their low-income residents have reported a decrease in uninsured residents, improved access to health care, and an increase in a healthy population. The result of States opting out of Medicaid expansion benefits will increase emergency uncompensated care for hospitals and other health care entities. The health reform act will be less effective and will drive the cost of care for the rest of the country when States opt-out of the Medicaid expansion efforts creating an imbalance within the nation. Personal ExperienceThe Medicaid expansion efforts have provided strict regulations to managed care organizations such as the one I currently work for. However, the provisions for increasing Medicaid expansion in the state of Florida will allow more residents to acquire health care benefits which eve ntually will improve the overall health of the residents in Florida and lower the costs of providing health care benefits. Utilization management has become a great asset in decreasing costs for the organization allowing for benefits to be distributed to more members who are in need of medical care.The consolidations of Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) into Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) or the Provider Service Network (PSN) will allow the members to receive services from a vast of in-network providers and achieve a higher quality of care. The transition will start taking affect August of 2013 and will continue through 2014 until the transition is complete. The not knowing how the reform affects our jobs is what is most daunting.Getting the proper facts and also communicating with your employer to get a better understanding on their action plan for the provisions of the health care reform are most encouraging. Knowing what is currently happening, what is going to happen, a nd where you will be situated at the end of the day is what matters the most—especially in this economy. Conclusion The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will help the nation to provide health care access to all U. S. citizens.The provisions in health care reform act will allow all uninsured individuals to acquire at least some type of basic health care coverage through government programs or employer–offered health insurance plans starting as early as January 2014. Small and large business employers are able to register now to provide health insurance benefits to their employees at a tax credit or some type of incentive if they have not done so already. Preventing the costly hospital claims by offering preventative care to individuals will not only save lives, but will also lower the costs of hospital bills which, unfortunately, are later paid by taxpayers.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Do We Rely Too Much on Technology?

Do we rely too much on technology? Technology is a great thing, it is used anywhere and everywhere around the world. Whether it’s a radio or an iPad, we all have some sort of technological device lying around somewhere in the house. Technology can be portrayed as our twenty-first century slave (without the feeding). You can ask it to do something and it will do it for you, it is a way of improving our living conditions. This might draw you back on a present for your mum or your house bills, but which one would you rather have? As we create a new generation of gadget hungry children that live on technology, do we rely too much on it?Let’s use mobile phones as an example, one in three adults have a phone and the same with nine in ten children. When was the last time you used one? Or are you using one right now? If you are like me then you can’t be off your phone for more than two minutes. If you are not calling someone then you are texting someone. If you are not t exting someone, then you are browsing the web, most likely you would be on facebook or twitter. If you are not doing any of those things then you would be staring blindly at your phone with nothing to do, or just waiting for something to happen.Can we not stop using our phones and do something more productive? We seem very reluctant to just turn our phones off. Being a user myself I have nothing against mobile phones, but technology has become more than a tool and more of a lifestyle. The main purpose of a phone is to make and receive calls, not search for the nearest restaurant within 500 metres. We all have to adapt to a new generation of technology, especially with innovative devices soon to be released such as new ranges of skinny TV’s, new iPods and iPhones etc.It’s all something we have to get used to. As time passes by technology seems to get better, better and better. When I was a kid all I remember was playing with my yu-gi-oh cards at break time with my frien ds and occasionally feeding my lifeless tamagotchi. Now when all I see are young primary children with their iPhones and their PSP’s socialising with people in other countries, all when their friends are right next door. 74% of households have internet connection, it is no surprise that the demand or internet has multiplied in the recent years.I must admit though, nothing beats a game of call of duty with your friends around the world. Technology has brought use medicines, cures for diseases that people could recently not live without. It has taken us to the moon, made it easy for us to go to other countries (planes, boats and trains), connected the whole world together in an invisible network and more importantly made us the fridge. Without advances like these how would we get clean water? How would you stay warm in winter? All this things have changed the way we live and we certainly cannot live without them.Nevertheless there are also bad things that technology has brought us, such as viruses that ruin our computers, explicit content that should not be seen, gambling sites that we might get too carried away with and not to mention the amount of time wasted just browsing the web doing nothing. Think about Facebook; an average person will use Facebook for about two hours a day. How did we ever procrastinate without Facebook or just without the web itself? Imagine a world without technology, I doubt most of us would be able to live in a world without it.Do you think you could? How would you get clean water? How would you stay warm? Let’s be honest. Do you actually know how to start a fire (without technology obviously)? It would be a completely different world to the one we live today, more like the one we used to live in. I just think that we are starting to use technology too much in our everyday lives. We are starting to lose our traditions; think of a book, more and more people are beginning to buy eBooks on their Kindle or tablet, is almost as if we don’t need hard copies of books anymore.Another good example is music; most music nowadays is just made by someone making random sounds with synthesizers. What happened to using real instruments? And what happened to buying CD’s in a shop? Or is all our music going to be directly stored in our computers? Whilst I have nothing against eBooks or online music, I think it’s good to buy the occasional CD and book, walking and not driving, playing football with our friends instead of losing ourselves in video games. When people say we are losing ourselves in technology they are right, we are, but is it really worth it? Juan Borges.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Fredrick Douglass

Slavery Effects on the American People By his own accounts, Federick Douglass was born into slavery sometime in 1818.(p170) During the twenty years Douglass would endure the wrath of slavery, he would withstand and observe many different trials and tribulation that ultimately lead him to write about his story. In his story, Douglass not only tells how slave owners treated and mentally abused their slaves, but he also reveals how slavery effected not only the slave but the slave owners as well. Per Douglass, the goal of the slave industry, as a whole, was to destroy the spirit of the slaves. The owners would treat the slaves as if they were a common farm animals. This form of mental abuse would help to ensure that the owners would have authority and control over their slaves. But this was probably not the most damaging form of mental abuse. By preventing the slaves from learning to read or gaining any other form of learning, the owner also hindered the slaves from having any mental leverage against slavery. Douglass believed that learning to read was â€Å"The Pathway from slavery to freedom(974).† To further their control they would separate the young slaves from their mother to hamper the baby from forming a bond with her. Douglass would only see his mother a few times before she died and when he was told of her death he said â€Å"I received †¦ her death with much the same emotions I should have probably felt at the death of a stranger(p971).â⠂¬  These abuses were just the beginning of a long line of atrocities that the slave owners subjected their slaves to. Another form of mental, and physical, abuse was the practice of sleeping with the slave women. As a result, the slave owner was often both master and father of the slave child. Consequently, these children would sometimes suffer more abuse from the mistress. In most cases the mistress would put so much pressure on these children and her husband, that he w... Free Essays on Fredrick Douglass Free Essays on Fredrick Douglass On July 5th 1852, Frederick Douglass gave his speech, â€Å"The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro,† to a group of white abolitionist women in Rochester, New York. It tells a story of the history of slavery, about the barbaric traditions of the American nation. The speech talks about the equality of slaves to the white people in terms of manhood, and in the eyes of god. This writing has deep meaning and also carries a sense of symbolism. Fredrick Douglass wrote this political document to send a word out to the whites and make them think. He wanted to show the whites how the black slaves feel, think, and the many things that were taken away from them, not only physically but also emotionally. Douglass’s goal and purpose for writing this document is the hope to completely abolish slavery. He is hoping to make the whites stop and think about how wrong it is and to unite with one another. This document shows that the blacks or just people in general strongly value freedom and society. They believe that we all should be treated as one. Over the years, history has repaired itself. Blacks did not have the same freedoms and the rights as the whites. Now a day, blacks and whites seem equal to each other. They have the same freedoms and rights.... Free Essays on Fredrick Douglass Slavery Effects on the American People By his own accounts, Federick Douglass was born into slavery sometime in 1818.(p170) During the twenty years Douglass would endure the wrath of slavery, he would withstand and observe many different trials and tribulation that ultimately lead him to write about his story. In his story, Douglass not only tells how slave owners treated and mentally abused their slaves, but he also reveals how slavery effected not only the slave but the slave owners as well. Per Douglass, the goal of the slave industry, as a whole, was to destroy the spirit of the slaves. The owners would treat the slaves as if they were a common farm animals. This form of mental abuse would help to ensure that the owners would have authority and control over their slaves. But this was probably not the most damaging form of mental abuse. By preventing the slaves from learning to read or gaining any other form of learning, the owner also hindered the slaves from having any mental leverage against slavery. Douglass believed that learning to read was â€Å"The Pathway from slavery to freedom(974).† To further their control they would separate the young slaves from their mother to hamper the baby from forming a bond with her. Douglass would only see his mother a few times before she died and when he was told of her death he said â€Å"I received †¦ her death with much the same emotions I should have probably felt at the death of a stranger(p971).â⠂¬  These abuses were just the beginning of a long line of atrocities that the slave owners subjected their slaves to. Another form of mental, and physical, abuse was the practice of sleeping with the slave women. As a result, the slave owner was often both master and father of the slave child. Consequently, these children would sometimes suffer more abuse from the mistress. In most cases the mistress would put so much pressure on these children and her husband, that he w... Free Essays on Fredrick Douglass Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in 1817, in Tuckahoe, Maryland. Because his slave mother, Harriet Bailey, used to call him her "little valentine," he adopted February 14th as his birthday, not knowing the exact date of his birth. He knew very little about his mother since she was employed as a field hand on a plantation some twelve miles away, and she died when he was eight or nine years old. Douglass knew even less about his father, but it was rumored that he was the son of his White slave master, Aaron Anthony. Young Frederick was grossly mistreated. To keep from starving, on many occasions, he competed with his master's dogs for table scraps and bones. In 1825, he was sent to serve as a houseboy in the home of Hugh and Sophia Auld in Baltimore. Mrs Auld grew fond of him and sought to teach him to read and write. By the time her irate husband discovered the deed and put a stop to it, Douglass had acquired enough of the rudiments to carry on by himself. His life in Baltimore was interrupted in 1832 at the death of Captain Anthony. Frederick was passed along to the possession of Thomas Auld, Anthony's son-in-law. The lessons he learned about the evils of slavery and his hatred of the institution was deepened during his stay with Thomas Auld. He infuriated the Auld's by his refusal to call his owner "Master" instead of "Captain." Determined to crush the spirit of young Frederick, Thomas Auld hired him out to Edward Covey, a slave breaker who worked and whipped him mercilessly. He endured the mistreatment until one day he could stand it no longer and fought back. Soon thereafter, Fred was again sent to Baltimore, where he met Anna Murray. His love for and encouragement from Anna, a free Black woman, heightened his quest to be a free man. On September 3, 1838, Douglas, dressed in a sailor's uniform and carrying identification papers provided by a free Black seaman, managed to reach New York City. There he met David Rug...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

African Americans in Science and Their Accomplishments

African Americans in Science and Their Accomplishments African Americans have made significant contributions in various fields of science. Contributions in the field of chemistry include the development of synthetic drugs for the treatment of chronic ailments. In the field of physics, African Americans have helped to invent laser devices for the treatment of cancer patients. In the field of medicine, African Americans have developed treatments for various diseases including leprosy, cancer, and syphilis. African Americans in Science From inventors and surgeons to chemists and zoologists, African Americans have made invaluable contributions to science and humanity. Many of these individuals were able to have great success in the face of bigotry and racism. Some of these notable scientists include: Otis BoykinDOB: (1920 - 1982)Major Accomplishments: Otis Boykin invented 28 electronic devices including the control unit for the heart pacemaker. He patented a wire precision resistor that was cost effective to manufacture and improved function in electronic devices such as transistor radios, missile systems, televisions, and IBM computers. Other inventions of Boykin include a burglar-proof cash register, an electrical resistance capacitor, and a chemical air filter. Dr. Ben CarsonDOB: (1950 - )Major Accomplishments: This Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgeon and professor led a medical team that became the first to separate Siamese twins successfully. Dr. Ben Carson was also the first to perform an interuterine procedure for the treatment of a hydrocephalic twin. He also performed a hemispherectomy (removal of half of the brain) in an infant to stop severe epileptic seizures. Emmett W. ChappelleDOB: (1925 - )Major Accomplishments: This biochemist worked for NASA and discovered a method for detecting bacteria in water, food, and body fluids through studies of bioluminescence. Emmett Chappelles studies in luminescence have also produced methods for using satellites for monitoring crops. Dr. Charles DrewDOB: (1904 -1950)Major Accomplishments: Best known for his work with blood plasma, Charles Drew helped set up the American Red Cross blood bank. He also established the first blood bank in England and developed standards for collecting blood and processing blood plasma. Additionally, Dr. Drew developed the first mobile blood donation centers. Dr. Lloyd HallDOB: (1894 - 1971)Major Accomplishments: His work in food sterilization and preservation improved processes in food packing and preparation. Dr. Lloyd Halls sterilization techniques have been adapted for use in the sterilization of medical equipment, spices, and pharmaceuticals. Dr. Percy JulianDOB: (1899 - 1975)Major Accomplishments: This research chemist is known for developing synthetic steroids for use in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Dr. Percy Julian also developed a process for creating a soy protein foam that was used to extinguish fires on aircraft carriers. Dr. Charles Henry TurnerDOB: (1867-1923)Major Accomplishments: This zoologist and behavioral scientist is known for his work with insects. Turners studies with honey bees demonstrated that they can distinguish colors. Dr. Charles Henry Turner was also the first to demonstrate that insects can hear sounds. Dr. Daniel Hale WilliamsDOB: (1856-1931)Major Accomplishments: Dr. Daniel Williams founded the Provident Hospital in Chicago. In 1893, he performed the first successful open heart surgery. He is also the first African American surgeon to perform surgery on the pericardium of the heart to repair a wound. Other African American Scientists and Inventors The following table includes more information on African American scientists and inventors. African American Scientists and Inventors Scientist Invention Bessie Blount Developed a device to help disabled persons eat Phil Brooks Developed the disposable syringe Michael Croslin Developed the computerized blood pressure machine Dewey Sanderson Invented the urinalysis machine

Sunday, November 3, 2019

BUSINESS LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

BUSINESS LAW - Essay Example In our case, Colin’s Computer (CC) is a computer garage offering repair services for computers belonging to other organizations, in return for a monthly payment. Colin’s Computers advertises its services through their website and through a local daily, which reaches the intended organizations that have the need for Computer repair, among them, Geoff’s Gym (GG). After receiving the information regarding CC’s services and the discount offer they are giving to their new customers, GG decides to go for the services and fulfill the necessary conditions that were attached by CC, so that it could benefit from the offering. However, as it turned out, GG never received the repair services for its computers from CC, which in essence did not receive the letter that was to be sent either through mail, text or post; to confirm the offer. The occurrences that follows after GG finds the services of CC and opts to purchase them are the subject of this discussion, with a f ocus on whether a contract occurred, who is liable for the breach of the contract, and whether the contract is enforceable through a court of law, if at all it occurred. ... reat, it invited the organizations in need of computer repair services to make an offer, which would in turn be accepted by CC, based on the fulfillment of certain conditions. The conditions attached for an offer to become complete were; that the organization in need of the services would contact CC either through mail, post or text before 8th June and inform them of the definitive date the organization would like the services to commence. On its side, GG posted a letter on 3rd June and followed the letter up, with a call to confirm to CC that the letter of offer had been posted. However, it turned out that the letter was not receive by CC, that is why CC did not go to offer the repair services to GG’s computers. The facts of this case prove that an offer was made, but the corresponding requirement of acceptance did not occur (Simpson, 1987). According to the ruling of the case in Partridge Vs Crittenden (1968), the display of goods by the seller does not amount to an offer, b ut rather an invitation to treat. The same applies to an advertisement made by the seller. Therefore, even when GG would want to enforce the contract based on the fact that they had accepted the terms made by CC, by posting a letter before the stated date, and even went ahead to follow it up with a phone call, just to confirm that they had posted the letter, they are not in a position to do this, because the advertisement made by CC on its websites and a local daily, regarding its offer of computer repair services, did not amount to an offer, but a mere invitation to treat (Koffman & Macdonald, 2007). Therefore, contrary to the belief by GG that they had met the requirement of the contract and thus CC was liable to compensate them for the breach of the contract, the reality is different. GG