Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Legal Environment of Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Environment of Business - Assignment Example A deal is made with the help of the mediator. Arbitration is more formal and can be heard by arbitrators. Each side gives testimony and they are recorded. Witnesses can also be called. Yes, Perry has done something wrong because arbitration is only supposed to take place when both parties are present. Anything that is said in the dispute must be said in the full view of everyone so that there can be no complaints later. Yes, the speech is protected under the freedom of speech clause. The Constitution of the United States allows free and fair speech without fear of discrimination or censorship. This law should not be allowed because it is unconstitutional. No, they are not correct because equal protection rights only allow them the same access to the law that everyone else has. The tax rate is decided by the state legislature, so it cannot be claimed that equal protection rights are being impeded upon. No, the actions of the defendant’s agents did not constitute and intentional infliction of emotional distress. This law was created for problems that would arise out of assault, and Munley was not a recipient of this. Yes, this new firm’s conduct was tortuous because they intended to harm the business operations of their former law firm. They have no right to interfere with the clients of a firm after they have left the company. The store will say that there was a â€Å"wet floor† sign in place and store procedure was followed. If she slipped on the rubber mat, then it was her fault for not being more careful as she entered the store. No, the plaintiff should not recover because any injuries were a result of the plaintiff’s own actions. The defendant put a warning sign on the mower and also mentioned it in the instruction booklet. This is mislaid money because, although the original owner put the money there, they did not intend to part with it. It does make a difference because if it was lost, Alice could have a claim to

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Writer's Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writer's Choice - Essay Example o’s small-lived reign as the archbishop and the journey of transforming from a moderate theologian into a forefront hero of human rights is brilliantly chronicled in the film, Romero. In this movie, Church is portrayed as a weapon of the wealthy to maintain status quo against the rebellious peasants and laborers. Back in those days, Salvador was characterized by assassinations, kidnappings, barbaric militarism, and executions. In order to curb the growing discontent amongst the populace, the Vatican promotes conservation Romero to the position of the Archbishop. In the beginning, Romero conforms to their vision of Church as he preaches ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ (Duigan). However, after seeing militants thwart voters, open fire on crowds, torment insurgents, murder a dedicated priest, Romero awakens from the slumber. He expresses his condemnation on radio, rebukes quisling bishops, and heads a peasant march into a Church occupied by the soldiers. His gallantry reached apex when he rebels and insults against the president, in fact a militant general, Harold Cannan. One of the most noteworthy developments of Romero’s tenure as pastor of the archdiocese is the way in which the institutional Church integrated with the prophetic aspect of the Church. Romero endeavored Church to serve as an institution of service to its real mission, instead of the mission in which Romero and his pastoral workers found themselves trapped in. This mission was based on Church playing an integral institutional role in the political turmoil and military persecution though abject poverty, height of injustice, and socio-economic disparities. Oscar Romero’s abhorrence for the institutional Church is shown when he tried to stack back in the jeep while other priests persuade Salvadorans to go to the polls. Thus, ay the very beginning, the Church is depicted as apolitical institution, refraining from politics (Duigan). Similarly, the Church serves as an institute to accentuate the